Hi I am using SuperFish menu plugin to create menu system for my web.
It works ok on my home page but doesn't seem to be ok with other
pages. The problem is that I can't see "Arrow" in other pages. Then I
tried calling it in specific page using same code as master page (like
below) then it works. But I need to refer the script again in my
content page in addition to master page otherwise it gives error
saying "$('ul.sf-menu').superfish()" is not defined function.

<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=Url.Content("~/Content/webui/
$(function() {

But I don't want to include script in every page and if possible I
don't want to call this line of code in every page.

Is there any solution to this problem or someone having same problem
or may be I am doing some stupid thing cause I am still new MVC and
JQuery stuffs.

Thanks in advance

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