hi there!

this plugin extends an input text with 2 links that increase or decrease
it's value by 1.
unfortunately, due to my dumbness it is not working as I would expect.

When one clicks at one of the links, the link works normally as a link would
(making the request to "").

Anybody could tell me what I am doing wrong - I am definitely suffering from
jquery blindness here...

(function($) {
    jQuery.fn.spinner = function() {
        var input = $(this);
        var makeButton = function(cssClass, text) {
            return $('<a href="" class="' + cssClass + '"><span>' + text +
        var spin = function(value) {
            var val = parseInt(input.val());
            var newValue = isNaN(val)
                ? 0
                : val;
            if (newValue + value > -1) {
                newValue += value;
            return false;
        input.wrap('<div class="spinner"/>');
        var spinDown = makeButton('spinDown', '-');
        spinDown.click(function() {
            return spin(-1);
        var spinUp = makeButton('spinUp', '+');
        spinUp.click(function() {
            return spin(1);

<input type="text" id="spinMe" name="xxx" value="0"/>



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