probably good idea to validate page, see if that helps. Page flickers on initial load in FF also, you have a few markup problems including divs inside <a> tags, extra "<" in some places and some unclosed tags

Fabinou wrote:

I use superfish plugin on my website ( ) for
the menu. The fade method for showing works ok (but it's sometime
"flickers", a little bit annoying but it's ok), but i can't make it
slide, using height or width method.

I use for example this to show up :

        	     animate : {opacity: 'show', width: 'show' },
        	     speed: 'slow',
        	     autoArrows: true,
        	     dropShadows: true

Opacity will work, but not width, and it's the same for height.

Any help is welcome :)

Thanks a lot


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