
Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I also think it has nothing to do with Z-Index but with the
position: relative of the li elements and the absoulte position of the
submenu ul.

But I think my space is big enough my Problem is not the mainmenu but
the submenu it opens in a navbar (850px width) and when there are too
many items in it there are two rows of items. And when I then hover
over an item in the first row the submenu ul alyways apears behind the
li item in the second row.

So what I need is a Idea to bring the absoulte ul above the relative
li element.

On 8 Jul., 18:37, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> if your main menu items don't fit into space allowed and you force them into 
> wrapping to multiple levels, a different design approach migtht be in order?
> the position :rel has to be there for absolute position to use as reference 
> location
> problem has nothing to do with z-index in my opinion, you're expecting too 
> much in too little space.Seeing the live situation may help, can you post a 
> link?
> nico wrote:Hi, I have a problem with the superfish menu in navbar mode and 
> ie6/7. The first submenu items are in a full width row. If there are lots of 
> subitems i get two rows. If an item in the first row has a submenu it opens 
> as dropdown (200px width) right below the item. This works good in all 
> browser except in ie6/7. Here I have the problem that the li submenu navbar 
> item in the second row appears always above the dropdown if it opens from an 
> item in the first row. Thats because the li items in the navbar are 
> positition relative and the ul of the dropdown is absolute, so the li 
> pos.:rel. is always above ul pos. absol. no matter what z-indexes are given. 
> You can see the effect on the official demo 
> sitehttp://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#examplesJust bring the 
> Browser Window widht to 300px so that the demo menu has two menuitem in the 
> row and two rows, hover over the first mainmenu item and you see just 3 
> submenuitems instead of 4 (because the first submenu item is hidden behind 
> the second mainmenu row.) Do you know this issue and any workarounds? btw. 
> superfish is awsome!

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