Yeah, I noticed. pretty neat.

Liam Potter wrote:

works in IE as well, using rvml instead of svg.

Jonathan Vanherpe (T & T NV) wrote:

paulswansea wrote:
Hi, I'm looking for a jquery plugin that does the 'rays' effect on i've had a look, but can't seem to find anything,
I was wondering if anyone had come across something like this before?

Looking at the generated code, it's an svg which is being transformed by changing the values in rotate().

<svg width="700" height="700"><defs><radialgradient id="raphael-gradient-0"><stop offset="0%" stop-color="#9ed356"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="#97be63" stop-opacity="0"/></radialgradient></defs><path fill="url(#raphael-gradient-0)" stroke="none" style="opacity: 1;" opacity="1" fill-opacity="1" d="M350.000 350.000 L350.000 350.000 L700.000 350.000 L694.683 289.223 L350.000 350.000 L678.892 230.293 L653.109 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 125.024 L574.976 81.884 L350.000 350.000 L525.000 46.891 L469.707 21.108 L350.000 350.000 L410.777 5.317 L350.000 0.000 L350.000 350.000 L289.223 5.317 L230.293 21.108 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 46.891 L125.024 81.884 L350.000 350.000 L81.884 125.024 L46.891 175.000 L350.000 350.000 L21.108 230.293 L5.317 289.223 L350.000 350.000 L0.000 350.000 L5.317 410.777 L350.000 350.000 L21.108 469.707 L46.891 525.000 L350.000 350.000 L81.884 574.976 L125.024 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L175.000 653.109 L230.293 678.892 L350.000 350.000 L289.223 694.683 L350.000 700.000 L350.000 350.000 L410.777 694.683 L469.707 678.892 L350.000 350.000 L525.000 653.109 L574.976 618.116 L350.000 350.000 L618.116 574.976 L653.109 525.000 L350.000 350.000 L678.892 469.707 L694.683 410.777 Z " transform="rotate(499.793, 350, 350)"/></svg>

So the only thing you really need js for is the animation, which you can easily do without even using a framework.

Keep in mind that this thing probably only works in the most recent versions of Safari , Chrome and Firefox


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV -

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