not sure what to look at. Can put an image in li and class it to have different display css than other li's. Menu items need to stay in li for script

also options like onBeForeShow can be helpful to script for different parts of menu. There's likely a solution that will work in list structure, can you be more specific about what you are trying  to accomplish

greggo wrote:
I have a navigational element that is distinct from the rest of my
navigation and is a graphical icon. Therefore, I'm not using the
standard <li> elements to display it. I'm simply using an <img> tag.
The <li> tag for that nav element is not being displayed. I do however
want the subnav to display when you mouse over the image. You can view
it here:

Question: How would I activate the display of the subnav (and hide the
current subnav) using an object outside of the navigational list? I
know I need to somehow trigger superfish with a mouseover event, but
I'm not sure how to do that.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


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