Hi Randy,

If I understand your problem correctly, I fixed this last week. The updated version can be found on Github:


I also just now updated the demo.


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 8, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Randy wrote:

When sticky: true and mouseOutClose: true are set the cluetip doesn't
always close when you mouse out.

Look at the example on the JQUERY DEMO PAGE:

Look at jTip Theme,
1.    jTip Style clueTip, with slideDown effect and an image placed in
the title for closing it, because it's sticky.
New: The clueTip will close if you mouse out of it.

The only way I can get the cluetip to close is moving the mouse on top
of the cluetip.

Anyone else have this issue and how to resolve it?

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