Here's a simple pattern:

var counter = $('element0').length;
$('element2').click(function () {

Live example: open a live JavaScript console (like Firebug if you're
using Firefox), then paste the following

$('body').append('<div id="test"></div>');
        position: 'absolute',
        top: '200px',
        right: '0px',
        width: '80px',
        padding: '10px',
        backgroundColor:  '#f00',
        color:  '#fff'
var count = 25;
$('body').click(function () {

Launch it, then click on the body: you'll see the number decrease :)

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 16:46, littlerobothead<> wrote:
> I'm sure this is going to be an easy one. I'm just not seeing a
> solution in any of the usual places.
> I'm getting the number of elements in a table like so:
> var count = $("#dataset-b tr").length;
> Then appending that number to a span, like so:
> $(".count").html("(" + count + ")");
> What I want to do is subtract one from that number every time a user
> clicks a row in the table I'm generating, like so:
> $("#dataset-b tr").click(function(){
>                $(this).fadeOut(300);
>                var int = 1;
>                var prod = count - int;
>                $(".count").html("(" + prod + ")");
>        });
> The problem is that it works on the first click (9 changes to 8), but
> nothing happens on subsequent clicks. Again, I'm sure this is
> something simple I'm missing. Thanks for any help.

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