Yes that is what i've been saying. you get the error when you are
logged in otherwise it works just fine. Unfortunately i cannot give
you access to editor/admin environment.

quoting my own words - it all works whem im logged out of CMS -


On Jul 9, 9:06 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
> no idea. WOrked fine for me, no hoverintent error
> zayatzz wrote:The path is valid definately. I checked it with firebug plus it 
> all works when im logged out of the CMS - you can see it working 
> athttp://www.sanlab.eewhen you move your cursor into the menu. When i log in 
> editor environment then the cms adds bunch of scripts to the page and then it 
> stops working and web developer toolbar shows forementioned error. The same 
> file is not beeing inserted after the call, but the jquery.js itself is 
> beeing inserted by the CMS. I do not know why this would cause and error, 
> because many other functions work just fine. Several other functions stop 
> working too though, like colourpicker that is visible on the same page. Alan 
> On Jul 9, 8:27 pm, Charlie<>wrote:"is not a function" 
> means script you are referncing , in this case hoverintent, isn't accesible 
> when you call the function. It shows you have it in page, but is path vaild? 
> Is same file being inserted again after the call ( seen that cause function 
> to fail too) can you post link? zayatzz wrote:Any ideas why im getting this 
> error? Alan

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