
I had the same problem lately and I found a solution, all I did was
increase the z index for the menu.  An element with greater stack
order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order. So
the z-index for my menu is 99999999.  I hope this will help you with
the sites problem



On Jul 8, 8:58 am, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> did you try solution "IE Z-Index Bug Fix" in FAQ section of superfish 
> site?http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#faq
> Adam Bomb wrote:I need some help. I'm using Superfish navigation with 
> Ultimate Fade-In Slideshow. The two scripts work in harmony in every modern 
> browser and lots of ancient ones... Except for Internet Explorer. In IE, the 
> drop-down nav bar gets hidden underneath the fading images. See what I mean 
> athttp://www.cabatproperties.com/newsite/tallahassee/index.html. I thought 
> (and I still think) that the z-index settings might be the culprit. Using 
> "inspect element" in Firefox, I can see that the Javascript image fader I'm 
> using moves the z-index up by 1 each time the image fades. That's fine with 
> me -- In my Superfish CSS, I set the z-index on the navbar astronomically 
> high (99999) so that the navbar won't end up behind the image fader unless 
> you stay on the page for 2 or 3 days straight. The CSS for the navbar is 
> athttp://www.cabatproperties.com/newsite/css/superfishnav.css, if anyone 
> would like to inspect that. Ideally, I'd like to keep Superfish. I like it a 
> lot because it degrades very nicely in older browsers and even seems to work 
> without Javascript turned on. As for the image fader, I could care less which 
> one I use, as long as it gives me the same basic function. If anyone can help 
> me remedy this unfortunate situation, it would be very appreciated. I know 
> that it can be done. I found a similar setup on another 
> page:http://www.dynamicinteractions.com, and it works like a charm using a 
> different navbar and image fader script. I tried Superfish with the image 
> fader script on THAT website and didn't have any luck. If worst comes to 
> worst, I may just have to steal both scripts from that site so that I know 
> they work in harmony, but that navbar script isn't as nice, in my opinion. I 
> have a feeling it's something pretty simple that could be edited in the 
> Superfish Javascript or CSS, but I know next to nothing about Javascript. 
> Anyone?

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