Hi there I am new to jquery tonight and I have already build the below
script and everything seems to be working however I suspect there is a
better way to write this out?

like for instance here


I am changing the css text decoration on A tags within H3 elements and
also on child A tags is there not a way to bundle these together? so I
would only have to write out the .css("text-decoration", "underline");
part once?

Please advise

Here is my full script it uses the 1.3.1 jquery and the color plugin

                function() {$(this).children("h3").children("a").css("text-
decoration", "underline");$(this).children("a").css("text-decoration",
"underline");$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "orange" }, 500); $
(this).children("p").animate({ color: "white" }, 400) },
                function() {$(this).children("h3").children("a").css("text-
decoration", "none");$(this).children("a").css("text-decoration",
"none");$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "eggshell" }, 500); $
(this).children("p").animate({ color: "grey" }, 500)

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