Apologies if this is read by a common moderator between here and
jQuery-UI, I was in the wrong tab, haha.

Anyway, I'm having a little trouble coming up with a concise way to do

I've created a div containing a registration form that fades in when
the user hovers over a triggering link, and the code I'm currently
using is as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
        var hide = false;
        $(".reg1, .register").hover(function(){
                if (hide) clearTimeout(hide);
                $(".login, .about").fadeOut(40);
        }, function() {
                hide = setTimeout(function() {$(".register").fadeOut();}, 400);

At the moment I've been able to prevent the ".register" class from
fading while the mouse is over it by adding also as the trigger for
the initial fade, but what I'd like is for the class to remain visible
if a form input has focus for obvious accessibility reasons.

Any ideas?

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