
I am experiencing some crazy stuff, at least crazy to me...

Both the 'if' and 'else' blocks (according to firebug) are being
executed in the following anonymous function:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(function() {

function add_billable_oncheck() {
  var billable_hidden   = $('#billable_hidden')[0];
  var billable_checkbox = $('#billable_checkbox')[0];
  if ((billable_hidden   != null) &&
      (billable_checkbox != null)) {
      function(event) {

// These are the blocks that both get executed on checkbox check
        if (billable_checkbox.checked) {
          billable_hidden.disabled = true;
        } else {
          billable_hidden.disabled = false;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  <input id="billable_hidden" type="hidden" name="billable"
value="No" />
  <input id="billable_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="billable"
value="Yes" />

Does anyone have any insight into this one?

If I add 'return;' statements at the end of the blocks, things work as
expected, however I wouldn't expect that I should have to do that.

Thanks for the help,

Matt Zagrabelny - - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
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He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot

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