why send twice the same email?

2009/7/12 Harvey <scottandrewhar...@gmail.com>

> Hey,
> I'm in the process of developing a new plugin but the way I have
> structured the codes doesn't seem quite right to me so I'm hoping
> someone might be able to offer a better way to do it.
> The plugin itself has different behaviour if called on different types
> of elements (images, divs etc) with a range of shared functions used
> across all element types.
> This is the basic structure I have so far:
> (function ($) {
>   $.fn.editable = function (options) {
>      var defaults = {
>         // default value declarations
>      }
>      var opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
>      return this.each(function () {
>         var $this = $(this); // Cache a jQuery version of this
>         var tag   = $this.get(0).tagName;
>         switch(tag) {
>            case 'DIV': initDiv();        break;
>            case 'IMG': initImage();      break;
>         }
>         function initDiv () {
>            // initialise the plugin to work with divs
>         }
>         function initImage () {
>            // initialise the plugin to work with images
>         }
>         // functions used by divs only
>         function divFunction () {
>            // body...
>         }
>         // functions used by images only
>         function imageFunction () {
>            // body...
>         }
>         // functions used by divs and images
>         function sharedFunction () {
>            // body...
>         }
>      });
>   }
> })(jQuery);
> The reason it does seem right to me is because any instance of the
> plugin called on a div will also contain all the code that is used if
> it was an image even though the code won't be used.
> Can any offer something better?

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