what you should do is take the onchange event out of the html and put
it into a document ready

like this

        $("#State").change(function() {
                //check to see if the feild has a value
                if ($(this).val() != ""){
                        //ok lets get the data then

I think this is what you wanted to test for

Mean Mike
On Jul 13, 4:22 am, mnaveed <mnaveed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a select box with and onchange event to get the data from
> serever,
> <SELECT name="States" id="State"         onchange="getData(this.value)" >
> Now i want to validate that if no value is selected from the above
> list, then it should not send the ajax request. How can i apply the
> Jquery validation plugin here?
> Thanks.

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