$('td').click(function() {
  context = $(this).parents('table')[0];
  var cells = $('td.a', context);

  -----Mensagem Original----- 
  De: Brad 
  Para: jQuery (English) 
  Enviada em: segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009 16:39
  Assunto: [jQuery] table cells selector question

  I can do this to select all td's with a class of someclass

  var cells = $("td.someclass");

  My page my have more than one table so this would select all matching
  td's. What I need to do is isolate the selection to only the cells in
  the table where a row was clicked.

  I've tried

  var cells = $("td.someclass").filter(this.parents("table"));

  but that is throwing an error w/in jQuery.

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