I've made a bit of progress on this.
If I break the html from   var getSelected=jQuery(this).parent
('li.show').html(); , and grab each piece seperately, it works. Like
var name=jQuery('#'+eventid+' a.artist').html();
var place=jQuery('#'+eventid+'span.address').html();
then insert each piece individually again.
I'm sure this is ineffient, but it gets the job done for now.
I'd still love to get some help on this if somebody has a solution.

For some reason I have to grab the .html(), and not .text(),
because .text() was appending the name times the number of clicks, so
if 'future of the left' was clicked 3 times, the name variable would
be 'future of the leftfuture of the leftfuture of the left'. No idea
why it wouldn't clear out the previous, but text seems to work.

On Jul 13, 10:47 am, pedalpete <p...@hearwhere.com> wrote:
> I've been working on this for quite a while trying to figure out why I
> can only get a click to be recognized by IE once. If a user clicks on
> another element, and then goes back to the original one, nothing
> happens.
> I've gone right down to this
> <code>
>         jQuery("ul.showList li.show div.showData, ul.myShowsList li.show
> div.showData, ul.myFriendsShowsList li.show div.showData,
> div#popForecast li.show div.showData, div#gigList li.show
> div.showData").livequery('click', function(){
>                 var getSelected=jQuery(this).parent('li.show').html();
>                 var eventid=jQuery(this).parent('li.show').attr('id');
>                 clickedShow(getSelected, eventid);
>         });
>         function clickedShow(getSelected, eventid){
>         var currentSelected=jQuery('div#selectedShow').attr('class');
>         if(currentSelected!=eventid){
>         var closeSelected='<img src="hwImages/close.gif" id="closeThis" 
> />'+getSelected;
>         var classToRemove=jQuery('div#selectedShow').attr('class');
>         jQuery('div#selectedShow').removeClass(classToRemove).addClass
> (eventid).html(closeSelected);
>         var getAddress=jQuery('div#selectedShow span.address').html();
>         var thisCityState=jQuery('div#selectedShow span.cityState').html();
>         var showLocation=jQuery('div#selectedShow div.showLocation').html();
>   alert('here6');
>                 }
>         }
> </code>
> if I remove the 'getSelected, I can click multiple times, and I'll get
> the alert.
> If I put in the 'getSelected', I can only click that element once.
> the html within getSelected is like this (copied from debugbar,
> therefore it shows the jQuery tags)
> <code>
> <SPAN id=2009-07-13 class=date jQuery1247506933342="93">Mon 13 Jul </
> <SPAN class=time>8:00 pm</SPAN>
> <DIV class=showData jQuery1247506933342="186">
>       <SPAN class=holdImg><IMG src="h548e0af6ceea63dd99462.jpg"></
>      <DIV class=artistShow><SPAN id=62653487 class=artist
> jQuery1247506933342="124">future of the left</SPAN>
>                <DIV class=showLocation jQuery1247506933342="846">
>                       <SPAN class=title>Maxwells</SPAN>
>                       <SPAN class=address jQuery1247506933342="844"></
> SPAN>'
>                      <SPAN class=cityState
> jQuery1247506933342="845">Hoboken, </SPAN>
>                 </DIV>
>                <DIV class=genre>Alternative | Healing &amp;
> EasyListening</DIV>
>       </DIV>
>  </DIV>
> </code>
> So once this is put into the page, and then changed, it can't be re-
> inserted later.
> Any ideas on this?

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