It looks like you've both misunderstood how versioning works on Google Ajax
Libraries server.

The link you have below specifically loads version 1.3.0 of jQuery. It
doesn't load the "latest version", it's 1.3.0 and will always be the 1.3.0
code with no changes.

In fact, it's not even 1.3.2 - you probably should update to that version.
Just make the obvious change in the URL:

If you want to load the latest 1.3.x version, you can use:

That currently loads 1.3.2 as well, but when a 1.3.3 version comes out, it
will load that version instead. It won't load a 1.4 version; it would stick
with a 1.3.x.

Similarly, you can load the latest 1.x.x version (1.3.x, 1.4.x, anything
before 2.0) with:

The same versioning options are available if you use the google.load()
JavaScript API.

I think it is best to fully specify the version, and update it only after
testing your site with a new release. That way you won't get burned by an
unexpected bug or incompatibility.

For details see:


> From: Rick Faircloth
> If linking to the google api works, that's no problem.
> I tend to have a particular version on my server so if a new 
> version comes out that breaks functionality in some code or 
> another plugin, I'm not affected by the change and can test 
> the new code before it affects my sites.

> From: macjohn
> I use
> Instead of keeping a version of the library myself. Is that a 
> bad idea? (I just thought Id always have the latest version this way)

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