LOL - I swear I thought of almost the exact same thing when I went out
and took a's amazing what time away from the computer
does...and of course, a little help.

Now I seem to be missing something (yeah, I am new to jQuery...)

I still want that table row to fade in...but neither method works:

$('#groups').append('<tr id="ohai"><td>hello</td></tr>').fadeIn

$('#groups').fadeIn("fast").append('<tr id="ohai"><td>hello</td></

On Jul 13, 7:35 pm, James <> wrote:
> How about just removing the empty <tr></tr> and use something like the
> following for your insert row after your AJAX response:
> $("#groups").append('<tr id="group''"><td>....</td></tr>');
> On Jul 13, 1:00 pm, Nate <> wrote:
> > Also, James, each table row has a unique id.  it will be called
> > something like id="group34" or id="group35" - no two are the same.
> > It's info that is related to the ID of the database.
> > So when my jQuery posts to addgroup.php, it inserts the data into the
> > database, and then I use the mysql_inser_id() function to retrieve the
> > ID of the entry I just made.  I then return that data to the main
> > page, and I simply want to stick it below all of the data that was
> > generated by PHP.
> > To give you an idea - here is a screen capture of it in action, and
> > some of the issues along with it:
> >

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