Cycle supports loading images via ajax, which I think could smooth out
the long load issues.

A very basic impementation would be

$("#cycleDiv").load(slides.html, function(){
                        timeout: 5000

where "slides.html" is the path to an html file that looks something
<img src="slide1.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="slide2.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="slide3.jpg" alt="" />

This may also be helpful to you:

On Jul 14, 10:27 am, whiggins <> wrote:
> Am using Cycle (fade) for image slideshow very happily, except for the
> big visual flap when all the photos (12 or so, but large-ish) load
> prior to cycling.
> I've looked for a preload solution but haven't immediately found any.
> Is this best? Is there another solution?
> Would be grateful for any help with this! (obviously it's safe to
> assume I know little re: js)

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