Although, I still think there is a BUG outstanding in 1.3.2.

Using the slightly more complicated find() below with 1.2.6 works in
both IE and Firefox:
$(xmlInitial).find("item:has(year:contains('2009')), item:has
   alert($(this).children('name').text());  // alerts 3 times

However, with 1.3.2 (with the above bug patch applied) in Firefox:
//alerts only 2 times

Finally, with 1.3.2 (with the above bug patch applied) in IE:
// gives a JS error: Number expected

Yet, using 1.3.2 with above bug patch applied, and a simplified find()
such as:
   alert($(this).children('name').text());  // alerts 2 times as
expected in both IE/FF

Clearly, there are still some issues with jQuery 1.3.2 which prevent
me from upgrading.

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