wouldn't take long to rip out the area maps and put in a UL based menu like superfish, would be easier to modify later also if ever need to

Paulo Henrique wrote:
Hello guys, thanks for the help last time...
now I'm coming here to ask you help to build a dropDown menu....
I already built one, but its positioning isn't working very well, when the dimension of the screen is redimensioned
or when the page is zoomed. I had trouble creating the menu because ppl on design made the website using image maps...
i tryied to get the position of the map using jquery, but it always return top 0 and left 0, so it's no use...
If you guys want to understand better what I'm talking about, check www.astralpaes.com.br/temp
and pass your mouse over "Produtos" and "Projetos"..

Thanks in advance for your time.

Paulo Henrique Vieira Neves
Bsc. Sistemas de Informação
+55 38 9141 5400
MSN: paulode...@live.com
GTALK: paulode...@gmail.com
SKYPE: paulodemoc

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