My complete() callback looks like this:

      complete: function(res, status) {
        if ( status == "success" || status == "notmodified" ) {
        else {
          // Error handling here

The login page gets inserted into the DOM, so I know the client must
be chasing the redirect and I must be getting either "success" or
"notmodified" in status. Looking at jQuery source, this comes from
xhr.status (in function httpSuccess) which gives "success" for 2xx or
304, so any 3xx redirect code must have been followed and lost.

I can check for xhr? at the server side, and if so, instead of
redirecting to the login page I can send back some sort of uncommon
HTTP error which can be detected, e.g. 410 Gone, or a custom HTTP
header. I'll have a play along those lines.



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