It should be siblings() not find().

On Jul 16, 8:00 am, Benn <> wrote:
> Is there a non-structure specific way of finding the next element with
> a given class? for example you have a structure of:
> <div id="container1">
>   <a href="#" class="link1">link</a>
>   <div class="a1">asdf</div>
> </div><!-- #container1 -->
> <div id="container2">
>   <a href="#" class="link1">link</a>
>   <div class="a1">ghjl</div>
> </div><!-- #container2 -->
> <div id="container3">
>   <a href="#" class="link1">link</a>
>   <div class="a1">qwer</div>
> </div><!-- #container3 -->
> When you click on the link in container1 the expected behavior is to
> change the css on a1 in container2 but not in container1 or
> container3. I have tried playing with parent, next and filter without
> success. this is the best I have is:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>   $(".link1").click(function(){
>     $(".a1").css({"visibility":"hidden"}); //hides all a1's but keeps
> the space
>   });
> });

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