thanks for this it does the job nicely.



On Jul 15, 1:59 pm, Peter Edwards <> wrote:
> Hi JD,
> In your success callback, you have access toajaxoptions through the
> this keyword, so you can get the fullURLby doing this within the
> success callback:
> alert(this.url+'?';
> peter
> on 15/07/2009 13:30 Mean Mike said::
> > if you just need to see what your posting and whaturlits going too
> > why not just view it in httpfox ?
> > On Jul 15, 6:54 am, JD <> wrote:
> >> Hi Guys,
> >>     This is probably a very simple question, i'm new to JQuery but I
> >> can't find the solution.
> >> I create an AjaxReqest with aurland some post data. Is there any way
> >> that i can alert out theURLwhich is thengeneratedin the call.
> >> Example
> >>
> >>    postdata: username=user password=pass
> >>    Creates something along the lines 
> >>
> >> Obviously the real calls are much more complex.
> >> I have read somewhere that the argument to the onSuccess function
> >> should expose a .urlfunction but this doesn't seem to work.
> >> Any help is appreciated.
> >> Thanks
> >> JD

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