yeah, my bad, i skipped over that part...

i should have completed by saying

<asp:PlaceHolder id="Place1" runat="server" visible="false" >


<div id="Place1" runat="server" style="display: none;" >

gives you a server side control (now it's an HtmlGenericControl
instead) to add other controls to, plus you can manipulate those
controls from jQuery

On Jul 16, 10:03 am, JoshWithrow <> wrote:
> That would probably work except PLACEHOLDER does not translate into
> HTML tags.  Instead, it is an ASP.NET only control that gives
> "PlaceHolder" for controls and the such.
> On Jul 15, 8:21 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> > Don't use
> > <asp:PlaceHolder id="Place1" runat="server" visible="false" >
> > because as you noted, .NET does not generate that HTML
> > use
> > <asp:PlaceHolder id="Place1" runat="server" style="display: none;" >
> > On Jul 15, 3:42 pm, JoshWithrow <> wrote:
> > > I have a placeholder that houses controls that starts with it's
> > > VISIBILITY set to FALSE.  This makes the controls non-existant to
> > > JQuery initially.  So I found the LIVE() event, and have been trying
> > > to get it to work alongside autotab (
> > > jquery-autotab) with no luck.  Any suggestions?
> > > BTW, the commented portions work so long as the controls are loaded
> > > with the page.
> > > $(document).ready(function() {
> > >                 $('#txtEmployee').live('load', function(){
> > >                     $(this).autotab({ target:'txtJob', nospace,
> > > format:'numeric'});
> > >                 });
> > >                 //$('#txtEmployee').autotab({ target:'txtJob',
> > > nospace, format:'numeric'});
> > >                 //$('#txtJob').autotab({ target:'txtSuffix', nospace,
> > > format:'numeric', previous:'txtEmployee' });
> > >                 //$('#txtSuffix').autotab({ target:'txtSeq', nospace,
> > > uppercase, format:'alphanumeric', previous:'txtJob' });
> > >                 //$('#txtSeq').autotab({ target:'btnSubmit', nospace,
> > > format:'numeric', previous:'txtSuffix' });
> > >                 //$('#btnSubmit').autotab({ previous:'txtSeq' });
> > > });
> > > Thanks!

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