I seem to have found the following bug.

(I am using the the latest versions of all products mentioned)

When using jQuery UI Tabs with the following code in one tab, I then
select another tab then selected the first tab again the content of
the xStandard object is lost or reverts to the initial value. All
other form values on the tab are sill preserved as expected.

<object type="application/x-xstandard" id="editor1" width="100%"
height="550" codebase="http://xxx/XStandard/
XStandard.cab#Version=2,0,0,0" name="content">
<param name="Value" value="enter text" />

The object also flickers a bit when scrolling the page.
I have encountered these problems in Firefox and Chrome so far but is
fine in IE8.

Not sure if this is a UI or Browser bug.
Can anyone shed some light on this problem as I don't really what to
have to recommend IE8.

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