this is an object name, you want to pass the object itself and not a
string, as others have already said:

$(this).find('+ h1')
$('+ h1', this)

On Jul 19, 4:46 am, Dhruva Sagar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Perhaps your missing a space? $('this h1'), or $('this ' + 'h1')
> What I don't understand is, why are you trying to concatenate two
> strings when you don't need to?
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Thanks & Regards,
> Dhruva Sagar.
> On Sat, 2009-07-18 at 22:05 -0700, Warfang wrote:
> > I'm pretty new to Javascript/ jQuery, so this is really bugging me.
> > I'm trying to get the height of an h1 that is a sibling to this. The
> > value for the variable h1Height, however, returned as null in the
> > console in Firebug. Perplexed, I tried console.logging ('this'+'+h1')
> > to see what it was interpreted as. It brought back this+h1, which
> > should select an h1 adjacent to this (which is a div).
> > Javascript
> > h1Height =  $('this'+'h1').height();
> > What went wrong?
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