Yep, simply no way around this except to not use a PNG or not to animate the opacity.

Michael Smith wrote:
I've struggled with similar problems - and have reluctantly had to use
a gif instead.
Although the image might not be as nice, it does actually seem to work
fine in IE

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 1:42 AM, apuredol<> wrote:
Hi, I am using and modifying the sample demo page and have a error on


$(function() {
               track: true,
               delay: 0,
               fade: 500,
               showURL: false,
               showBody: " - ",
               extraClass: "pretty",
               fixPNG: true,
               left: 120

The fade effect on IE causes that the image shadow.png appears black
on border for a while, fade effect is too uggly, firefox and safari
works fine. Now I have to set fade=0 only to support IE7.

Is there a way to use it?


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