Hi there,

I'm trying to get my Superfish menu to display the instant that I
hover over it.  However there is a slight pause before the menu is
displayed.  I am using supersubs as well, this is the set-up call I am

        minWidth:    12,        // minimum width of sub-menus in em
        maxWidth:    27,        // maximum width of sub-menus in em
        extraWidth:  1         // extra width can ensure lines don't
sometimes turn over
                                // due to slight rounding differences
and font-family
            onInit:        function(){},
            onBeforeShow:  function(){},
            onShow:        function(){},
            onHide:        function(){},
            delay       : 200,
            animation   : {height:'show'},
            speed       : 1

I would like it to work as quickly as the one on this site:
but when I add a jQuery .hover function on the top menu items, to set
a background css style on the top level "a" elements, the hover style
gets applied before the menu is shown.

Anyone got any ideas? Thanks!


P.S. many thanks to Joel Birch for this great nav system!

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