wow thanks it really worked now

the element param is kind of useless right? i wonder why it doesn't
work :)

anyway huge thanks to Jules

On Jul 23, 12:05 pm, Jules <> wrote:
> Your code should have been:
>      $.validator.addMethod('myEqual', function (value, element, param)
> {
>          return value >= $(param).val(); // this works know
>          }, 'Please enter a greater year!');
> On Jul 23, 12:21 pm, Erwin Purnomo <> wrote:
> > Hello all
> > I have added a method on jQuery validator like this
> >     $.validator.addMethod('myEqual', function (value, element) {
> >         return value == element.value; // this one here didn't work :(
> >         }, 'Please enter a greater year!');
> >     $.metadata.setType("attr", "validate");
> >     $("#educationForm").validate({
> >         showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) {
> >                 this.defaultShowErrors();
> >         },
> >                 errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
> >                         error.appendTo( element.parent("td").next
> > ("td") );
> >                 },
> >                 /*success: function(label) {
> >                         label.text("ok!").addClass("success");
> >                 },*/
> >         rules: {
> >                 txt_end: {
> >                         required: true,
> >                         myEqual: "#txt_begin"
> >                 }
> >         },
> >         submitHandler: function() {
> >         }
> >     });
> > the form looks like this
> > <div id="wrapper_form">
> >     <form id="educationForm" name="educationForm" method="post"
> > action="">
> >     <table width="500" border="0">
> >       <tr>
> >         <td width="100">Period:</td>
> >         <td width="200"><input type="text" name="txt_begin"
> > id="txt_begin" size="8" maxlength="4" class="required year ui-widget-
> > content ui-corner-all" /> to
> >         <input type="text" name="txt_end" id="txt_end" size="8"
> > maxlength="4" class="required year ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" /></td>
> >         <td width="200"></td>
> >       </tr>
> >       <tr>
> >         <td colspan="2">
> >         <input type="submit" name="btn_submit" id="btn_submit"
> > value="Submit" class="ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" />
> >         <input type="button" name="btn_cancel" id="btn_cancel"
> > value="Cancel" class="ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" />
> >         </td>
> >         <td> </td>
> >       </tr>
> >     </table>
> >     </form>
> > </div>
> > but why the custom method I added didn't work?
> > return value == element.value; // this one here didn't work :(
> > it always return true for any value :( am I missing something here? I
> > didn't use the built in method because later in the form I would
> > require to write another method to check for greater or equal and
> > lower or equal ( ">=" and "<=" ) I have tested this method with
> > greater or equal and lower or equal by replacing the "==" with ">=" or
> > with "<=" It didn't work either

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