Hello all,

I'm doing a text resizer with a cookie to remember the font size
level. I'm running into a little problem and was wondering if someone
sees something obvious I'm missing.  The cookie is being set/read OK
and the text resizer works when triggered manually, but it's not being
executed on page load when you navigate to other pages.

For example, on the home page, I set it to the largest size, size 3.
This gets set to the cookie.  If you quit/relaunch the browser, the
cookie still reports size 3.  Also, when you navigate to another page,
onload, it reads the size 3 and it passes it to the textResize()
function (these are my console.log() lines), but the text isn't
actually resized on page load.  If you trigger the text resizer
manually, it works.

I'm controlling the font size by adding (or removing) a class to the
body tag.  Anyone have any ideas why the text isn't resizing
automatically onload?

//START text resizer
//on dom ready either set default cookie or read existing cookie
$(function() {
        //if no cookie, set cookie for default textsize of 1 (out of 3
possible sizes)
        //persist cookie for 365 days, 1 year
        if (!$.cookie("textsize")){
                $.cookie("textsize", "1", { path: '/', expires: 365 });

        //get cookie value and pass to textResize function
        var cookie_val = $.cookie("textsize");
        console.log("onload: " + cookie_val);

function textResize(level){
        var body = $("body");
        console.log("textResize: " + level);

        switch(level) {
                case 1:
                        body.removeClass('bigText biggerText');
                        $.cookie("textsize", "1", { path: '/', expires: 365 });
                case 2:
                        $.cookie("textsize", "2", { path: '/', expires: 365 });
                case 3:
                        $.cookie("textsize", "3", { path: '/', expires: 365 });
//END text resizer

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