On Jul 24, 3:20 am, sleepwalker <danielpaulr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric you rock that's what I'm talking about!! Beautiful code man
> thanks so much.
> Learning is fun.

Don't confuse less with better, it is often slower to execute and
harder to maintain.  The code I posted could be written as:

function setButtonClass() {
  var el, inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
  var i = inputs.length;
  while (i && (el = inputs[--i])) {
    if (/button|reset|submit/.test(el.type)) {
      var word = el.value.split(/[a-z]/).length/2 + el.value.length;
      el.className = word>11?'mb':word>4?'sb':word>0?'b':'';

but I would not do that. Would you trust the newest coder in the
office to maintain it? Or accept the totally unnecessary performance
hit just to save a few lines?


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