Ok... I think I got it. I tweaked the addClasses function to eval a list items attribute instead of the text value. I'm using the attrib LANG for now. I populate this server side with either the first character of the persons firstname or lastname depending on what order was selected on the page. So now I can generate a dynamic list of anything I like without needing to ensure the first char matches the navigation line selected character. I'm sure there is allot wrong with this approach, and I apologize in advance. My enviornment is strictly Intranet with mandated browser and version, so I can normally get away with much less test overhead than the will wild west... =)


function addClasses() {
var str, firstChar;
var temp;

$($list).children().each(function() {

// $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); //.toLowerCase();
// strip all white space (including tabs and linebreaks that might have been in the HTML)
// thanks to Liam Byrne, l...@onsight.ie

// NEW
str = $(this).attr("lang");

if (str != '') {

// firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase();

// NEW
firstChar = str.toLowerCase();

if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char is a number
$(this).addClass('ln-' + firstChar);

if (counts[firstChar] == undefined) counts[firstChar] = 0;

On Jul 20, 2009 11:33pm, keith <keith.westb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Great solution to managing large lists... 3 thumbs up! =)

After playing with it this evening, I found myself wondering what it

would take to possibly target another attribute to determine its

placement? For instance if I were to use an image instead of a link

or some other type of content without any text, how would I tweak the

plugin to eval this area instead of its text. Do you believe this

would be a simple endeavor?

Before I really dig in, I thought I would first ask yourselves and see

if this was even possible without a huge rewrite.

Thank you again for a really great tool... I look forward to using it

in future projects.



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