theme is using jQuery UI tabs that have effects options built in, perhaps they would make it easier for you. There is a google group for UI support also if you have difficulty

Aleksey wrote:
Hello, everyone)

I've read a tutorial describing creating simple tabs:
But I want to modify it, and cannot achieve the desired result, and
that result can be seen at one template:
(Just click on 'Live Preview')

So, I want a content:
1. slideUp() and fadeOut() simultaneously
2. slideDown() and fadeIn() simultaneously

I found an interesting article about a subject:
But still, as I said, I don't know how to do that.

The code I use now:
(function($) {
	$.fn.slideFadeToggle = function(speed, easing, callback) {
		return this.animate({
                     opacity: 'toggle',
		     height: 'toggle',
		}, speed, easing, callback);

			$(function() {
				$('ul.tabs li:first').addClass('active');

				$('ul.tabs li a').click(function() {
					$("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active");
					var href = ""
					return false;

Thank you very much, if you can help me))


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