I think your problem is that you don't have a firm grasp of javascript
objects or object notation in general.

JSON is just a method of transfering javascript objects in a text
format. jQuery automatically converts the JSON string into a
javascript object if you tell it to (Look at the documentation to see
how). Once it is in a javascript object you can do whatever standard
javascript object manipulation methods you need or want to use.

If you want to see the parsed JSON I would advise using console.log,
you'll need FF and FireBug for it though.

On Jul 24, 11:57 am, Abraham Boray <abrahambo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well wot I'm doing is an ajax call to retrieve my json data .
> then i want to parse it & show all the records in the  "#postContent".
> but wot is harder here is the fact that in my jason file there are
> three objects at the same time returned by the query.
> Posts/Category/Comment
> The Categorystructure is :
> *Category
>      -Post
>      - comment
>            -comment_content
>            -mail....
> U can also take a look to the picture 4 more explained structure of
> the JSON data
> and i want go through each "table"(object) & show it's records ...
> I did this code,& it's browser cross(it works perfectly with FF& IE6..
> $('#blogPage #blogPostsHolder .Post a').live('click',function(){
>          var currentPost=$(this).attr('post_id');//get the current(Clicked)
> post id
> //Load The Blog Post When A Post Link Is Clicked/**/
> $.post('posts/postslistbycat/', {params: ''},
>       function(data){
>            $.each(data, function(i){
> //here i want to show my json records after parsing the different
> "tables"
> $("#postContent").html('some records here....');
>     });
> }, 'json');
> return false;           });
> I hope I did explain it well this time
> regards
> Abraham
> On Jul 22, 3:17 pm, Abraham Boray <abrahambo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As U can see guys , I got that json structure , & I want to parse it
> > with jquery , I searched in the web but it's seems my json file is a
> > bite complicated :S
> > here is the picture more clear thatn the file down 
> > !http://www.zshare.net/image/63013802b34a7372/
> > Here is my plane JSON file
> > [{"Post":{"id":"1","category_id":"1","title":"CSS
> > Mastering","date":"2009-07-21 22:40:00","content":"How 2 CSS Master in
> > 5 Days :D ,This association creation and destruction is done using the
> > CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
> > very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please refer to manual
> > section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
> > few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
> > start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
> > done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
> > (There is also a very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please
> > refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
> > information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models: This association
> > creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
> > called \"Containable\", please refer to manual section about Built-in
> > behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
> > see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
> > models: ","visible":"1"},"Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS","Post":
> > [{"id":"1","category_id":"1","title":"CSS
> > Mastering","date":"2009-07-21 22:40:00","content":"How 2 CSS Master in
> > 5 Days :D ,This association creation and destruction is done using the
> > CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
> > very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please refer to manual
> > section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
> > few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
> > start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
> > done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
> > (There is also a very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please
> > refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
> > information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models: This association
> > creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
> > called \"Containable\", please refer to manual section about Built-in
> > behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
> > see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
> > models: ","visible":"1","Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS"},"Comment":
> > [{"id":"2","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:10:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"Reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > k...@hani.bikhir","e_mail":"ma...@gmailika.hy","showMail":"1"},
> > {"id":"6","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:38:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > url.com","e_mail":"m...@mail.fr","showMail":"1"}]},
> > {"id":"2","category_id":"1","title":"Beginning CSS","date":"2009-07-21
> > 22:41:00","content":"Courses 4 Dummies . Beginning
> > CSS","visible":"1","Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS"},"Comment":
> > [{"id":"3","post_id":"2","date":"2009-07-22 14:16:00","content":"Nice
> > CSS tut ;)","userName":"Talal","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > rwina.talal.com","e_mail":"mail...@gtol.de","showMail":"1"}]}]},"Comment":
> > [{"id":"2","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:10:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"Reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > k...@hani.bikhir","e_mail":"ma...@gmailika.hy","showMail":"1","Post":
> > {"id":"1","category_id":"1","title":"CSS Mastering","date":"2009-07-21
> > 22:40:00","content":"How 2 CSS Master in 5 Days :D ,This association
> > creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
> > called \"Containable\", please refer to manual section about Built-in
> > behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
> > see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
> > models: This association creation and destruction is done using the
> > CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
> > very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please refer to manual
> > section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
> > few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
> > start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
> > done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
> > (There is also a very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please
> > refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
> > information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models:
> > ","visible":"1","Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS"},"Comment":
> > [{"id":"2","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:10:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"Reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > k...@hani.bikhir","e_mail":"ma...@gmailika.hy","showMail":"1"},
> > {"id":"6","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:38:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > url.com","e_mail":"m...@mail.fr","showMail":"1"}]}},
> > {"id":"6","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:38:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > url.com","e_mail":"m...@mail.fr","showMail":"1","Post":
> > {"id":"1","category_id":"1","title":"CSS Mastering","date":"2009-07-21
> > 22:40:00","content":"How 2 CSS Master in 5 Days :D ,This association
> > creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
> > called \"Containable\", please refer to manual section about Built-in
> > behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
> > see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
> > models: This association creation and destruction is done using the
> > CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
> > very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please refer to manual
> > section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
> > few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
> > start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
> > done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
> > (There is also a very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please
> > refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
> > information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models:
> > ","visible":"1","Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS"},"Comment":
> > [{"id":"2","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:10:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"Reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > k...@hani.bikhir","e_mail":"ma...@gmailika.hy","showMail":"1"},
> > {"id":"6","post_id":"1","date":"2009-07-22 14:38:00","content":"Nice
> > TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!","userName":"reda","a_url":"http:\/\/
> > url.com","e_mail":"m...@mail.fr","showMail":"1"}]}}]},{"Post":
> > {"id":"2","category_id":"1","title":"Beginning CSS","date":"2009-07-21
> > 22:41:00","content":"Courses 4 Dummies . Beginning
> > CSS","visible":"1"},"Category":{"id":"1","name":"CSS","Post":
> > [{"id":"1","category_id":"1","title":"CSS
> > Mastering","date":"2009-07-21 22:40:00","content":"How 2 CSS Master in
> > 5 Days :D ,This association creation and destruction is done using the
> > CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
> > very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please refer to manual
> > section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
> > few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
> > start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
> > done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
> > (There is also a very helpful behavior called \"Containable\", please
> > refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
> > information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
> > and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models: This association
> ...
> read more »

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