
I'm looking for an expanding/collapsing tree directory type of
navigation and was wondering if someone knows of a good one that's out
there and available.

What I'm specifically looking for is one that is triggered on the
click of a *graphic* that toggles the show/hide.  Each text nav item
should be hyperlinkable to it's own link/page.  So for example (the +
and - are the collapse/expand graphics, the dot leader is for some

- Nav Item 1 (text should be hyperlinkable)
.......Sub Nav 1(text should be hyperlinkable)
.......- Sub Nav 2 (text should be hyperlinkable)
..............Sub Nav 2a (text should be hyperlinkable)
..............Sub Nav 2b (text should be hyperlinkable)
..............Sub Nav 2c (text should be hyperlinkable)
.......Sub Nav 3 (text should be hyperlinkable)
+ Nav Item 2 (text should be hyperlinkable)
+ Nav Item 3 (text should be hyperlinkable)
+ Nav Item 4 (text should be hyperlinkable)

Ideally, this would work for plain old <ul> and <li> structure.  I
suppose infinite nesting would be cool, but I don't think I need to go
beyond 3 levels with the first 2 levels having the show/hide graphic

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