Hi there just wondering if I can get some help from you guys?

I have some code as per:

// validate signup form on keyup and submit
            var validator = $('form').validate({
                event: 'keyup',
                rules: {
                    '<%= ddlRank.UniqueID %>': {
                        required: true
                    '<%= txtSurname.UniqueID %>': {
                        minlength: 2,
                        required: true
                    '<%= txtForename.UniqueID %>': {
                        minlength: 2,
                        required: true
                    '<%= ddlGender.UniqueID %>': {
                        required: true
                    '<%= txtBirthDate.UniqueID %>': {
                        required: true,
                        custEmailVal: true

                }, //end rules
                messages: {
                    '<%= txtSurname.UniqueID %>': {
                        minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0}
                        required: "This field is required"
                    '<%= txtForename.UniqueID %>': {
                        minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0}
                        required: "This field is required"
                    '<%= ddlGender.UniqueID %>': {
                        required: "This field is required"
                    '<%= txtBirthDate.UniqueID %>': {
                        required: "This field is required"
                }, //end messages
                // specifying a submitHandler prevents the default
submit, good for the demo
                submitHandler: function() {
                }, //end submitHandler
                // set this class to error-labels to indicate valid
                success: function(label) {
                    // set &nbsp; as text for IE
                    //$('form :input')
                    //        .filter('.required').prev
                }, //end success function(label)
                invalidHandler: function(form, validator) {
                    var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
                    if (errors) {
                        var message = errors == 1
                        ? 'You missed 1 field. It has been
                        : 'You missed ' + errors + ' fields. They have
been highlighted';
                                'id': 'submitError',
                                'class': 'warning'
                        $('form :input')
                    } else {
                } //end invalidHandler
            }); //end validate all

my html is an ordered list and the within each li tag I have this

<label for="txtSurname" id="lblSurname">
                    <input name="txtSurname" type="text"
id="txtSurname" class="inputText required" />

What I want to happen is when I have input two characters into the
field so that it validates is to hide the span containing the word
required. I cant seem to find it though! I am not sure if am am right
though in using the success function with the argument label?? Can
anyone see how i ould possibly get around this?

I have had sucess with using the invalidHandler hiding the span but I
cant hide it on only the one span at a time on the fly.

Hope I explained myself!


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