Hi everyone,

I've implemented a photo gallery using Galleria and jCarousel on my
site, and have chosen to use custom thumbnails instead of having
Galleria generate them for me from the source images.

As far as I can tell, there may be an advantage in conserving
bandwidth with this method, but the page also degrades to a nice set
of thumbnails that link to the larger images (which is very nice,

Everything works beautifully, however when viewing this gallery for
the first time, instead of the large image fading in nicely as it does
in the Galleria demo, it almost kind of "slides" the image into view
like it's rendering pieces of it as it loads in the container.  This
is definitely an effect i would like to avoid, but I also thought that
one of the benefits of Galleria was that it pre-loaded images in the
background, right?  So why does my gallery appear to be loading these
images "on-demand"?

Here's a link to the page in question:  http://bit.ly/jn2LI

Thank you guys very much in advance for any help you may be able to

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