Thank you for that hint - I changed the CSS to display:inline, and the
script now works fine on IE. :D

On Jul 21, 1:13 am, amuhlou <> wrote:
> I don't know if this is part of the issue or not, but IE7 does not
> have support for the display:table; property.
> See quirksmode to see what properties it does support (not 
> many):
> On Jul 20, 2:44 am, Billy <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I'm relatively new to jQuery, and I'm having some trouble making a
> > selected <tbody> display in IE. It seems to work fine in FireFox, and
> > Chrome.
> > See here:
> >
> > I've looked up various fora, but the only things I can find seem to
> > relate to earlier versions of jQuery. We're running jQuery-min.1.3.2
> > on this site.
> > The relevant parts of the code which run in FF/Chrome, but appear to
> > not run in IE:
> > <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
> > $(document).ready(function()
> > {
> >     //...
> >         $('#questionTable tbody:first').addClass('selected');
> >    //...
> > });
> > </script>
> > Relevant CSS associated with this:
> > <style>
> > #questionTable tbody {
> >         display: none;}
> > #questionTable tbody.selected {
> >         display:table;}
> > </style>
> > Help?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Billy

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