Having JS sanitize for the backend is somewhat dubious, I'd not go
there, but you probably don't want to discuss that.

Anyway, a validation method has access to the validate element, so you
could as well write a method that just sanitizes, nothing else.
Combine that with a strict validation method, ala:

rules: {
  ssnfield: {
    required: true
    ssncleaner: true,
    ssn: ssn

No change to required needed. ssncleaner would always return true, and
change the input value; ssn would just validate a strict ssn.

A very simple and general sanitizer would just trim whitespace - the
plugin did that in earlier versions, but that wasn't desired in

$.validator.addMethod("trim", function(value, element) {
  element.value = $.trim(value);
  return true;

That seems to be quite flexible to me.


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Brett Ritter<swift...@swiftone.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Jörn
> Zaefferer<joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> You could start by writing custom methods for each of these input
>> types, and where possible, delegate to the existing methods:
>> http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/addMethod
> If I'm following you, you're saying to have validation that accepts
> the "loose" input and considers them all "valid".  That doesn't help
> me sanitize for the backend though.
> On submission, that Phone number should come across as the "proper"
> format.  This also complicates the validation methods considerably.
> Or am I misunderstanding you?
> --
> Brett Ritter / SwiftOne
> swift...@swiftone.org

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