
It works.

On Jul 28, 1:55 pm, rupak mandal <> wrote:
> Hi ,
> you have to make a little changes in autocomplete.js
> Search for "*if (data && data.length*)" condition which is inside "request"
> function. Add this code before the *if * condition
> if(data)
>     data.length=0;
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Vivek <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using autocomplete plugin. I have one Search field upon which i
> > have put the autocomplete and other a select box which have 3-4 values
> > such as Vidoes, audios, images etc...,
> > I am using Extrafield option to pass the select box's value to the PHP
> > Script. It is working fine however i am having one problem.
> > IF i select vidoes in the select box and enter "a" it autocompletes
> > and shows  the results from the database. if i add "b" to it therefore
> > the search keyword becomes "ab" it works fine. Now at this stage if i
> > change "Videos" to "Audios" in the dropdown and remove "b" from the
> > search keyword therefore the search keywords becomes "a" with select
> > box having Audio, It shows the same results that it was showing for
> > the "Videos" select box.
> > I have seen (with Firebug) there no Ajax Calls happens. So it seems
> > that it is using cache. I tried to use flushCache function of
> > autocomplete however it did not works. Below is the code i am using.
> > jQuery(document).ready(function (){
> >        jQuery("#searchfield").autocomplete("autosearch.php", {
> >                width:150,
> >                autoFill:false,
> >                matchContains: true,
> >                extraParams: {
> >                                        searchtype: function (){return
> > jQuery('#searchtype').val();}
> >                                                },
> >                selectFirst: false
> >        }).flushCache();
> > });
> > Please suggest me any solution for it.
> > Thanks

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