Hi gnet,

I've not really done much with arrays, so this is more theory but you should be able to build upon it.

You will need a separate file, that you will be sending the ajax requests to, and the html it returns should be printed in the divs using the success callback on the ajax method.

first, you need to echo the array as links, and have the id set as the array key then the javascript would be something like

        var arrayKey = $(this).attr("id");

                type: "POST",
                url: "arrays.php",
                data: "arrKey="+arrayKey,
                success: function(html){

Like I said, no idea if this would work, as I don't have a lot of experience with arrays, but see what you can do with it.

- Liam

gnetcon wrote:

Thanks for the feedback!

I have my page built, with the array created and it populates my second pane
fine with data from the first array item (1 of 100).  What I'm having
difficulty wrapping my brain around is how to update the second div, passing
an array key to re-populate the div w/out reloading the page.  Is that
possible?  OR do I need to have a separate page that would accept the key
and simply return the HTML to display in the contents of that div?


If a user selected the 5th row of data in pane #1, I then need to update
pane #2/3 with the data from the PHP array key of 4 ($arrXML[4]).


Liam Potter wrote:
divs, updated using ajax.

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