The answer is there already. jQuery uses innerHTML (in the
jQuery.clean method) when you pass a string to append/prepend/etc. But
it is skipped if the argument is a HTMLElement, fragment or jQ object.
This should work in "real" XHTML too:

$('body').append( $('<p/>').text('hello') );

On Jul 29, 1:56 pm, ScottSEA <> wrote:
> I have a full explanation of my issue on - if you're
> interested in the code, please refer here:
> It is marked as answered, but ignore that.
> The gist of the problem is when I load a *local* .xml file (in
> firefox) the document transforms to XHTML, but the jQuery .append
> ('<p>Ipsum Lorem</p>') (as well as prepend, prependTo, appendTo,
> remove, etc) method silently fails to do anything.  HOWEVER, if I
> construct the node to append in this manner:
>     var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
>     var p = document.createElement('p');
>     p.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Ipsum Lorem'));
>     frag.appendChild(p);
>     $('body').append(frag);
> It works fine.  Can anyone tell me why?
> If I change my stylesheet to <output method="html" ... /> vs.
> method="xml" the jQuery code starts working again - but I am
> irrevocably tied to XHTML.

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