Hi all,

Does anyone have a simple guide about how to install superfish
dropdown menu in Joomla?  The few lines on the superfish site are just
a bit to streamlined for me.  (I'm not really a developer, and I need
this for an academic project.)

What I have done is:

-- installed the module
-- activated the module
-- put the src statement in the head, using the location of my js file
(as explained on http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/)

But I'm not sure what to do with the last instruction on the superfish
site: "Call superfish() on the containing ul element."  I'm not really
using a "containing ul element" that I know of.

Right now I'm getting a menu appearing in Joomla, but I don't know how
to add elements so they appear as drop-down sub-elements.  I do have
the mod_mainmenu plugin installed and active.

Any pointers?



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