To run a callback function without any arguments, use:
success: HidePreloaderBlue

To run one with arguments, use:
success: function() {

On Jul 29, 4:54 pm, orangdalam <> wrote:
> i wrote this code:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function HidePreloader($idPreloader){
>       $($idPreloader).hide();
>    }
> $("#formPassword").ajaxForm({
>          target:'#container',
>          clearForm:true,
>          success: HidePreloader("#bluePreloader")
>    });
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> when it came to success event, the preloader image still there. did i
> write it wrong ? it worked fine if the function has no passing argumen
> like this:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> function HidePreloaderBlue(){
>       $("#blue").hide();
>    }
> $("#formPassword").ajaxForm({
>          target:'#container',
>          clearForm:true,
>          success: HidePreloaderBlue()
>    });
> -----------------------------------------------------------

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