On Jul 31, 5:44 am, "#micah" <micah.a.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've created a javascript object like so:
> var myObj={
>      //    internally used
>      OtherFunction: function(){ alert('hi');},
>      //    externally used
>      EditInfo: function(){
>            this.OtherFunction();
>      }
> };
> if i bind EditInfo to a button, like so:

There is no such thing as "bind" in javascript. You are assigning the
function to a listener.

> $('#myButton').click(myObj.EditInfo)
> Then (this) is pointing to the button, not to myObj. Why is that?

The value of a function's this keyword is set *when the function is
called*, not when you define the function. The handler that calls
EditInfo sets its this keyword to the button. Note that the handler is
passed a reference directly to the function, it doesn't call it as

Perhaps you need:


Now EditInfo is called as a method of myObj and its this keyword will
be set as you expect.

Incidentally, it is a convention that only functions intended to be
called as conststructors start with a capital letter. If that was the
case here, its this keyword would be a reference to the new object and
your issue goes away.

> I'm using FF3.5

Not relevant to this issue, though there are differences in how the
this keyword is set for listeners between IE and other browsers.


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