Amazingly, on the same day... I just hit this problem as well.

Superfish, in IE7 does not seem to like elements with
position:relative; behind it. And it seems embedded Google Maps
require their containers to include a "position:relative;"

@amuhiou: sorry, posting example code is not realistic in this case.
Google API keys etc. If you really want to help you need to set up a
test yourself. thnx tho! :\

z-index'ing the google map to minus anything disables it's ability to
be manipulated in any way (zooming, dragging etc... it's like it's not
even there). the solution will need to be something to do with
Superfish's implementation. :\

Hope we can get this fixed!

On Jul 31, 8:38 am, amuhlou <> wrote:
> can you post a link to an example page where this is happening?
> thanks
> On Jul 31, 8:06 am, appu <> wrote:
> > Hi All
> > I am using thesuperfishmenu on a page that also has agooglemapon
> > it. It work fine in FF but  the menu will display below the  google
> >mapin IE.  I have already change the z-index:999 and
> > position:absolute, but the result remains same for IE.
> > Thanks in advance for your help

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