Maybe the eq() selecor would help more (

something like:

$("#mylist option:eq(2), #mylist option:eq(0), #mylist option:eq
(4)").attr("selected", "selected");

On Aug 3, 2:51 pm, shaded <> wrote:
> Not exactly. I guess looping through my string would work. but its a
> multiple select list so .addclass wont work
> i tried using
>   $("#mylist option:contains(3)").attr("selected", "selected");
> this compares against the list value, not the id. Is there a way to
> compare against the id?
> Better yet, us there a function that will let me drop in my string and
> will simply find all the ids that match and then i can use .attr
> ("selected", "selected"); on that?

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