You can use the open callback to handle repositioning the container if you
wish. The callback gets 4 arguments: $container, $a, $selected, $title

The $container argument is a jQuery object referencing the dropdown. You
could just offset it's top position by XXX amount to move the box up.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Sherri <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm working on a website where we're using the jquery.linkselect
> plugin, and we're running into a situation where we have one of the
> dropdown linkselect menus happening near the very bottom of the users'
> window.  Imagine that we have a list of articles with abstracts,
> authors, etc. running down the left hand side in a div which is set to
> show a scrollbar if the results list gets long, and each article has a
> linkselect dropdown menu.
> Unexpectedly, if you've scrolled to the bottom of the scrolling div
> and you're on the last item in the list, linkselect is allowing the
> menu to drop down extending past the bottom of the scrolling div and
> outside the boundary of the browser window.  This is problematic, as
> it makes the menu items inaccessible.
> We're looking for a way to have it automatically detect the bottom of
> the screen and reposition the menu accordingly (similarly to the way
> it does it to make sure it doesn't get positioned off the right hand
> side of the screen).  I might be able to hack it, but was hoping maybe
> the linkselect team might be able to put something in more quickly and
> efficiently than I can.  :)
> Alternately, a way to specify that a menu drops up rather than drops
> down would also be a great solution to our situation (I didn't see
> that in the options, though please let me know if I missed it).
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> --Sherri

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